Get involved
In person
Postal Adress:
P.O. Box MC 2525, Takoradi Market Circle, Ghana
Busua-Dixcove road, Busua.
Cross the bridge over the lagoon and turn right after the bar.
Let's Make A Change
Because Peace Home is a non-governmental and non-profit organisation, we are always in need of funds to support the project. Right now, we are supporting 30 youths with special needs in Busua and neighbouring village Dixcove. They receive all the attention they need to be able to mentally and physically develop at the day-centre of Peace Home. The group will grow once we get our bus to help with transportation from more nearby villages.
Monthly Donations
Monthly donations will greatly support the project in keeping up with the monthly costs.
Currently, with a sum of €25,- a month, we are able to provide one Peace Home member with basic necessities.
Any monthly donation is greatly appreciated and helps us support the Peace Home members, paying the staff a fair salary, and the project as a whole.
Supporting a small organisation such as Peace Home gives more certainty about the distribution of your donations than with big organisations. As a small non-profit and non-governmental organisation we are very capable of showing progress within the project and therefore how donations are put to good use.
By subscribing with your e-mail at the bottom of this page, you will receive the latest updates and news from Peace Home. We are also active on FaceBook and Instagram.
Goal-Oriented & Specific Donations
Peace Home is constantly achieving or finishing small and big goals, projects, and adding new ones to the list.
Individuals or organisations regularly approach us to support a specific goal or project for Peace Home. Therefore we have made a list.
By donating a sum for a specific goal or project, a person, company or organisation can follow the goal or project they are supporting.
Goals and Projects​
Peace Home Staff Salaries
We find it extremely important to pay the team a fair and liveable monthly salary. It is not easy to find the funds for this cause. Without the team of Peace Home, the day-centre would not function. We hope you are willing to support us in continuing to provide the children with a strong and capable team that receives what they deserve for their hard work. -
Expanding and improving vegetable garden
Growing our own produce cuts costs, increases the use of vegetables in the daily meals and provides weekly garden lessons for the children. -
First building improvements
In March 2023 we officially opened the day-center. The team grew and some employees stay on-site. The first building has three rooms up top specifically for this purpose which could do with some renovations. -
Physiotherapy equipment & furniture
Even though the physio-centre is quite well equipped by now, there is always room for improvement. We want to have most of what we still need hand-crafted by artisans and professionals. Some equipment can only be bought readily made like a treadmill. -
Medical specialist visits
Most of the members of Peace Home have not been officially diagnosed. Once we have our bus, the nurses and rest of the team are planning to start making trips to specialists to get proper diagnosis and treatment of mental and physical ailments where possible.
Thanks to donations, we have been able to complete many specific goals already. Here is a few nice examples:
Water-filter system
In Ghana drinking water comes in plastic bags or bottles. There is no functional garbage system in place. Therefore it causes a lot of pollution and aside from that this water contains big amounts of micro-plastic. By obtaining a water-filter system, Peace Home could get clean drinking water by filtering the ground water. Straight from the tap! -
Solar energy
Peace Home is completely powered by solar energy. The big roof or the day-centre holds 8 solar panels. Aside from it being eco-friendly and sustainable, it cuts costs and is much safer for everyone and everything because the electrical current is stable and reliable. Also, no power outages! (there is a lot of these in Ghana, sometimes daily).
We received donations for the fence around Peace Home and the paths on the land. Improving accessibility and safety (think of wheel chairs for instance). -
Water drainage system & collection
Ghana has a tropical climate. This means there is a dry season and a wet season. Peace Home is located on a sloping land. Therefore a lot of water runs over it. During the rainy season this was causing erosion which then also threatened to damage the buildings. Through donations we were able to get a proper drainage system on the land and also create a (rain) water collection system along the roof. A win-win as the water from the roof is now collected and used for other purposes instead of it damaging the land.
It might seem sometimes that supporting for specific causes is less interesting due to them seeming less significant or on the forefront. We hope that the explanation above proves otherwise. Seemingly small things can have great effects!
If you are interested in supporting a specific goal or project of Peace Home or have a question, please fill in the contact form on the website or reach out to us through an email or call or text. You can find the contact details on the bottom of the page.
Volunteer Work
The day-centre has been completed and is (almost) fully functional. Many people are involved in running the centre and it is now fully run by a Ghanaian team.
It takes building up a strong team that is educated and skilled in working with youth with disabilities to provide the best possible care.
Involving volunteers with the right specialisation, skill-set and/or experience and the heart for working with youth with disabilities will greatly contribute to innovation and education within Asomdwee Fie - Peace Home.
For now, volunteer work has not yet been involved in the project but this will happen in the near future. We will keep the site updated on this matter.